Trx. Id: 37d6eeeeff4600f62344d9c9cab2784dbf8dc2521bf98dff048668def33bf6af

Expiration Time: 2024-06-10T17:32:18.000

dao.hypha proposeupd chuckseattle active

proposal_id : 65799
proposer : chuckseattle
content_groups :
      label : content_group_label
      value : stringdetails
      label : title
      value : stringUpdate policy: token listing SEEDS Light Wallet
      label : description
      value : string established a policy intended to prevent "scam" tokens from appearing in the Light Wallet. It was a "good enough for now, safe enough to try" policy which placed authority in Nik Heger, while anticipating that the policy might evolve. This proposal modifies that policy by adding the following after the existing 4 bullet points: 1. Tokens issued by dao.hypha and hypha.hypha may be given a "standard" listing without review 2. Tokens may be given a "standard" or "experimental" listing by SEEDS Collaboratory DAO under processes determined by them 3. Tokens may be given a "standard" or "experimental" listing by the affiliated organization Localscale under processes determined by them
      label : url
      value : string
      label : name
      value : string