Trx. Id: ea6aee0085ed7064174b29735e09c60b1225b41a824bb6c93d24f57fd97ee875

Expiration Time: 2024-05-02T21:21:18.000

dao.hypha propose chuckseattle active

proposal_type : policy
proposer : chuckseattle
dao_id : 30727
publish : false
content_groups :
      label : content_group_label
      value : stringdetails
      label : title
      value : stringApproval to Reconciliation of SEEDS Commons Sale
      label : description
      value : stringThe text below has been submitted on Hypha DAO as . By adopting this Collaboratory Policy, SEEDS Collaboratory DAO hereby agrees to perform our commitments defined below * * * (beginning of Hypha proposal text) Reconciliation of SEEDS Commons Sale Note: Due to content-size limits, this description is abridged. The full proposal text is included as an attachment. After SEEDS governance failed to approve the Milestone 3 payment, and created the SEEDS Commons, Hypha adopted proposal []( establishing a policy to redirect proceeds of the SEEDS Public Sale to the Commons. For several reasons, this policy was not fully implemented, leaving liabilities on behalf of both the Commons and Hypha regarding the Public Sale. ? This proposal resolves all outstanding liabilities in this regard. It recognizes the SEEDS Collaboratory DAO as successor to the Commons and reconciles the liabilities by means of transactions between Hypha and the Collaboratory DAO. It also establishes a limited-purpose joint escrow account to hold the funds due to SEEDS Collaboratory under this agreement for one year.  Under this policy 1. The SEEDS Public Sale contract remains permanently suspended ? The  existing contract will be removed from the tlosto.seeds account. 2. SEEDS and TLOS assets of the tlosto.seeds accounts shall be transferred to Hypha treasury accounts. ? 3. Hypha will create a multisig Telos escrow account, to be managed as described below. 4. Hypha will deliver $11060.03 to the SEEDS Collaboratory DAO?s representative (submitter of this proposed agreement) as HUSD, ? the submitter hereby pledges to immediately deliver these tokens into the escrow account. 5. If any liabilities related to the SEEDS Commons Sale are currently held on Hypha?s balance sheet as BTC or EOS, they will be removed and subsumed into the HUSD liability described here. 6. The SEEDS Collaboratory DAO will deliver 167363.741 SEEDS to a Hypha treasury account ? It is understood that redemption of HUSD is  determined by Hypha policy and is subject to indeterminate delays. Management of the escrowed funds (abridged): The funds will primarily pay for software development and maintenance services provided by Hypha-affiliated persons. After the 1-year escrow period expires, the remaining balance (if any) shall be placed under full control of SEEDS Collaboratory. The completion criterion for this quest is when all of the following obtain: 1. A proposal containing  identical or synonomous text is passed by the  SEEDS Collaboratory DAO 2. A proposal containing identical or synonomous text  is affirmed by the SEEDS Commons or a group acting in good faith representation of the Commons? interests 3. The SEEDS Collaboratory holds in its treasury sufficient SEEDS balance to meet the obligation herein. Upon approved completion of this Quest, the specified amount of HUSD will be automatically issued directly to the submitter, Chuck Harrison, whereby Hypha?s liability to SEEDS Commons is dissolved. Chuck Harrison ? hereby commits to promptly transfer the HUSD to the specified escrow account. The SEEDS Commons Sale transactions and net liabilities are detailed in this spreadsheet: []( The attached pdf document contains (1) the authoritative full text of this proposal, followed by (2) the spreadsheet linked above. * * * (end of Hypha proposal text)
      label : url
      value : stringQmQGehTugHCwouPcxKYe6pQPkhP8mDXxCvUkJH5Xj3XBKC:pdf
      label : name
      value : string